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Set In Stone (Deluxe Edition) release date

S.I.S. is avalaible on soundcloud and youtube. more platforms will eventually have the album uploaded!





Mixtape plans for Xmas season

a mixtape of 3-5 songs dropped around xmas season. it is the follow up of creed of cordell.

Eiffel Giza to go "global"

Statistics and economists say the boys should be looking at a sharp growth in the music industry by 2017. Economist says "At the rate they are growing, they should be a high demand artist in the industry by Christmas season. If the boys just make the right moves they have been making since last year, you can expect a 'boom' in traffic towards their platforms". 

Eiffel Giza performing at the Florida Solo Award Finals

E.G. will have a 15minute set at the Final awards, debuting some new songs! if they win, they will be bridige nominated and the best indie artists of florida. event will be held on Jax, Fl, Music Hall 1904, on december 8th, 2016.

Contact for tickets.

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